Cuba Today

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Travel with award-winning filmmaker, Marlin Darrah, as he explores present-day Cuba. From the capital city of Havana to the beautiful seaport of Santiago de Cuba, you'll marvel at the forbidden natural beauty of Cuba. Travel to Pinar del Rio and visit the lush tobacco fields that produce the most sought-after cigars in the world. See as sugar plantations and colorful towns unfold before your eyes, then walk the beaches of Matanzas and Cuba's colorful coastline. Cuban people welcome visitors with open arms and their society, with it's blend of races and cultures, overflows with a friendly and easy-going hospitality. Finally, after 50 years, visitors can experience the splendor of the Caribbean only 90 miles south of the United States. Soon, Cuba will compete with the Bahamas and Jamaica as the Caribbean vacation destination for Americans, so see it today!

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Director: Marlin Darrah
Actor: Marlin Darrah

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Cuba Today | Marlin Darrah