5 game releases we’re excited about!
Whether you’re a casual or a die-hard gamer, there is a whole heap of amazing content coming your way before the close of 2018. It was a hard list to whittle down but we looked at some of the biggest games to be released within the next six months so mark your calendars for these instalments!
It’s been available on Windows for more than a year, but Earthfall is finally coming to PS4 and Xbox One in July! The co-op shooter has been likened to Left 4 Dead but the developer Holospark has not shied away from these comparisons, pointing out that Left 4 Dead came out in 2009 and they had wanted to get back to that kind of game. This time around, it’s an alien invasion we need to worry about instead of zombies. Average joes have had to fight these aliens which is where Earthfall begins. Battle your way through different types of aliens to salvage the earth!
Madden NFL 19
It’s that time of year again… Madden NFL 19 will be hitting shelves in August, and for the first time in 11 years it will be released on PC alongside PS4 and Xbox One. But who are the top-rated players for the season? Just three players have acquired the illusive ‘99’ – Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown and Rams defensive end Aaron Donald. Patriots QB Tom Brady has dropped down to 97 but no doubt will be working back towards earning those two points. The team with the most players rated 90 and above are the Cowboys with five players. Alongside the normal version, a Hall of Fame edition will be released with Terrell Owens on the cover.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
The Tomb Raider franchise has been a part of the gaming world since 1996, but there hasn’t been a new game in three years. Fear not, as Shadow of the Tomb Raider is set for release in September. Lara Croft is back at the helm, in a heap of danger but ready to fight. There is more emphasis on stealth combat in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, with better use of your surroundings to be hidden and to attack. You’ll be able to go as far as covering Lara in mud to make her invisible to those around her. The storyline is set to have you hook, line and sinker as we see Lara’s journey to becoming the ‘Tomb Raider’.
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Rockstar Games loyal among you have waiting eight long years for this sequel. This October, Read Dead Redemption 2 is finally being released; and there are even whispers that it is coming to PC. The next instalment is set to be a prequel, and if you look closely at the trailer that’s been released, you’d be pretty certain John Marston is in this game! Rockstar haven’t officially confirmed but we can piece a few characters or so we think. Red Dead Redemption was famed for its beautiful landscapes and its follow up is no different.
Fallout 76
Jumping from Fallout 4 to Fallout 76 has definitely raised a few eyebrows. Fallout 76 will serve as a prequel to the previous games in the series and will be Bethesda Game Studios’ first online multiplayer game – it is possible to play alone but it may hinder you more than helping. An all-new trailer was unveiled at E3 and you’ll only have to wait until November until you can dive into the game for yourself. You’ll be able to build homes on the wasteland in Fallout 76 too but these will need to be protected. Bethesda have stated the new game will be 16 times more detailed!
Just Cause 4
Considering E3 is the biggest event in the gaming calendar, you won’t be surprised to know Just Cause 4 was announced at Microsoft’s conference. Three years after the third instalment of the Just Cause series, Rico Rodriguez is back and this time he’s up against The Black Hand in the fictional South American country of Solis. Gameplay is set within four different Biomes – Rainforest, Grassland, Desert and Alpine and each will have extreme weather to battle. Further details are scarce right now but Just Cause 4 will be available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on December 4.
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